Friday, 14 May 2010

Beauty Heroes!!!

Hello dolls, hope your having a fab week, personally my week has been pretty blah. I'm so sick of this weather, I never know what to wear in the mornings which is a nightmare, plus I've bought so many spring items and can't wear them to their full potential. Ruddy England lol.
Anyway this post is all about my personal beauty heroes. This is the celebs whose make up I die for, (a tad extreme) and definately my inspiration. I decided to make a top five I tried to keep it current as I have an obession with old movie stars which would've taken years to whittle down.

5: In at five is Khloe Khardashian, I love the Khardashian sisters but Khloe's make up is by far my favourite, I'm naturally very fair skinned so I will never do the bronzed goddess look quite as fabulously as Khloe.

4: In at four is the beautiful Zooey Deschanel, love the hair, love the clothes, love the face lol. She embraces the pale look which I always admire, as I tend to flit between pale and tan depending on my mood. She keeps is natural with a flush of blush, and a smudge of eyeliner. I think she may be on the list purely because she's beautiful and I just wish I looked like her lol.

3: In third is everybodys favourite resident of the hills, Miss Lauren Conrad. To be fair my everyday make up is very similar to that of the Conrad look. A natural base with a slick of eyeliner, it's so simple yet she never looks bad. I guess she plays it pretty safe, but hey if it ain't broke don't fix it.

2: In second place Katy Perry, who I know bares a resembelence to Zooey but the make up is very different. I'm a lover of the pin up girl look, yet am not brave enough to rock it all the way. I think because of that Katy Perry is a good compromise. She's does the pin up thing but it seems more contemporary.

1: And at number one (DRUMROLL PLEASE) is Kate Bosworth. Now Kate gets a lot of stick because she is stupidly skinny, but my love for her make up started years before that. To me she does the best natural look, she was definately the person who got me interested in make up. I used to sit and try and copy her look lol. As she got older (and skinnier) her make up as evolved and I like the way she uses bronzes and coppers around the eyes, a very catwalk look, I also love when she has a strong lip colour and fair skin. Overall she gets first place because she was my first lol, and I still have make up envy whenever I see her face.

Here's a mash up with my top 5.

Thanks for reading, Mwah!!! xx


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